Sunday, March 23, 2014

In the Key of CUE : A Music Teacher’s Perspective on her First CUE Conference

Levar Burton just walked on stage as the main keynote of the conference. At that moment, I looked to my right and there’s Scott Bedley and his group of amazing colleagues. I glanced to my left to see Jason Seliskar, Jen Roberts and Bill Selak, who’s showing me his final edit of a photo he took of Levar addressing a crowd of 5300.

It is at that point I feel like a little knobby-kneed freshman surrounded by the super seniors on this CUE campus.  I’m excited, hopeful and a little nervous all at once.


Following Levar’s inspiring keynote about educators needing to unite to rectify America’s literacy problem, I noticed Scott about to introduce himself to Anthony Ko, the lead rep for Microsoft Corp.  I’m watching, learning and, I will admit, eavesdropping, because this was an opportunity to observe networking executed by two pros.

My early years were permeated with speech therapy, extreme shyness and I barely spoke to anyone not in my immediate circle, (whereas my twin sister won speech awards, headed debate teams and now is a current leader and contributor in the field of astrophysics).  So needless to say, being labeled ‘The Quiet Twin’, networking has always been difficult for me.

Attending EdCampLA and networking on a smaller scale prior to coming to this titanic CUE conference was a huge benefit. Nancy Minicozzi, Jo-Ann Fox, David Theriault and Bill Selak were easy to reconnect with at CUE14 because we all went to EdCampLA back in Feb. So go check out EdCamps in your area (but after you’re done reading this blog)! You won’t regret it.

After seeing Scott network like a pro, I decided to step up my game. And who do I stop as he is about to whiz past me? The one and only CUE Board president, Mr. Robert Craven. After exchanging introductions, appreciations and smiles, I asked the president of this huge conference to do a selfie with my colleagues and me, because hey…why not?  We’re at CUE!


Why did karaoke end at 9:30? What’s that about?!?! That’s when people were just getting warmed up and comfortable enough to grab the mic! Nevertheless, the number of great singers that shared their non-tech talent impressed me.  This of course includes Diane Main, who coaxed me into singing a song I’ve NEVER sung before, aptly titled, ‘Ebony and Ivory’. Good times. I’m still waiting for two more songs to be sung, and you know who you are @tasfair and @mrtimdanner. 

But really, let’s end at 10:30pm or 11pm. I'm a music teacher so I consider this PD. You can do this. You’re CUE. You can do anything!



One of the most profound sessions I’ve ever attended was David Theriault’s session on the effectiveness of student blogging and why the best audience is NOT you, the teacher. I didn’t blog (until now) and I have no right to ask my students to do something I am not willing to do myself. He captured us with stories fraught joy, humor but also laced with sadness and loss. Blogging not only helps us realize we have a voice, but that our voice is worthy of sharing with whomever will listen. Being someone with speech and confidence issues about my speaking voice, I wonder why I waited so long.

Quotes from David’s session:

“We post things we are passionate about.”

“We don’t have to wait for them to get into college for them to do something that matters. Let them do something that matters now.”

"This is not a school assignment, it’s a life assignment."

“Let students begin to create their positive digital footprint now.”


Besides the awful WiFi, most of the sessions I attended were well presented and left me feeling convinced that I could actually implement their ideas right away. Jo-Ann Fox offered great tips on being an efficient twitterer (is there such a label?) and how to maximize the benefits my PLN. Also, an easy idea to implement is bringing in QR codes into your class (a session by Gwyneth Jones aka The Daring Librarian) to enhance many lessons across the curriculum (scavenger hunts, quick links to info and media, musical pieces from the Baroque period, etc). Nancy’s session reminded me about using apps to gather poll data and employing mirroring with my iPads.

Visual literacy is a new obsession of mine, so Lynell Burmark’s session forced me to dive deeper with using images to promote critical and abstract thinking. And with using these images, I sat in on Jane Lofton’s session on ‘Inspiring Creativity while Respecting Copyright with Fair Use and Creative Commons’. Gotta keep it legal!

My heart did break a little because my attempt to get into any MINECRAFT session was sadly unrealized. Fail. Epic fail. And out of all those people that made it in, I probably needed it the most because, in front of my students, I typed in MINDCRAFT to find the site. And they’re like, “Ms. Letford, uhh, it’s MINEcraft, not MIND. Like not ‘yours’ but ‘mine.” Oh boy. Guess I’ll do what Scott advised and just learn it on Youtube or maybe John Miller does Minecraft tutorials via Google Hangout. 

Yep – he does. He just tweeted me. How awesome is that? John rocks in the virtual world AND the real world!


Ms. Spector, my edupartner in crime, and I are leaving CUE14 exhilarated and overwhelmed (in a positive way). What’s next? In order for us to not be that person who wants to ‘do it all’ but ends up ‘doing nothing’, we are taking it step by step. Baby Steps - baby steps.

I’m starting with QR codes, augmented reality lessons and being more mindful of creative commons for my students’ projects. I'm blogging (hence this post). Also trying to insert Minecraft into my geometry/architecture unit for my gifted class. Then I’ll come back and get more info on the Google World so many educators are living in now (google docs, google hangout, google this and that).

I want my students to see me as a resource and not their only source of information, creativity and learning. CUE has been a great springboard for this personal and professional mission.

Thank you to all who were there and who helped us 'newbies' out. May you all continue doing work that matters.

Genein Letford
Music & Gifted Education Elementary Educator 

Build your PLN! Awesome CUE presenters and attendees that are a MUST follow:

Bedley Bros –Scott and Tim Bedley - @bedleybros @tasfair  @tbed63
Bill Selak @billselak
Nancy Minicozzi @coffeenancy
Kelly Spector @kellyspector
Jason Seliskar @JasonSeliskar
Jo-Ann Fox @AppEducationFox
David Theriault @davidtedu
Robert Craven @digitalroberto
Diane Main @dowbiggin
Tim Danner @mrtimdanner
John Miller @room162
Gwyneth Jones @gwynethJones
Burt Lo @trubol
Jen Roberts @jenRoberts1
Lynell Burmark @lynellburmark
Ms H @teacherMsH

 P.S Kudos to CUE for bringing a HS jazz band and adding music to their logo animation. Yay for arts ed!